
As of now, my journal section should be public again. It was gone while I was FINALLY learning how css works, thanks to the help of a layout generator that you can find linked at the footer of my landing page! Yesterday was quite eventful as I not only had to teach my class a yoga sequence, but I also had a very nerve wrecking job interview...but I also got to see my friend and watch a band perfom! I met some new people, talked about some stuff...learned that Deadly Premonition is a crazy ass game.

Our photography professor said that our theme is "documentary" this week, but he showed us war photograpy as an example ;_; I think i'll just take at least a few good pictures every day of this week and say that I documented what my spring break looked like. I need to actually make plans with friends to shoot with them. I also have to start planning my ideas for my photography final, my media studies final, and my programing project. It doesn't sound like a lot but it for me it is...uuehhh. New Judgement episode was silly. I love you Paeon and Buck my sillies :).

I took some photos of my friend for one of my photography projects and it was SO MUCH FUN!. She's so photogenic ;_; BUT I LOST MY PHONE and we had to spend 30 tracking it down before finding it in the market. Thank you random guy with long hair and glasses for returning it :D! As a thank you I bought them fries and then we headed to my friends appartment for some green tea and Mario Party. It was wonderful. I'm going to miss her when she graduates in May. A lot of my friends are graduating in May. I hope we stay in contact.

Oh, and i've been obsessed with like two Mystery Skulls songs all week. 'Ghost' and 'Money.' I liked 'Number 1' a while back too. I like the animated music videos too. Maybe if im skilled enough I'll add an audio player that can play whatever song i'm looping at the moment...ideas ideas.

What should the theme of my journaling page be? Same color scheme? JRWI themed? Give me some inspo if you want!! Don't count on major updates, i'm still a student with homework and I really wanna end this semester off on a good note and make some projects i'm proud of. One day I'll share them with you guys...maybe...mwuehehehe.

ok, thats all. BYE BYE!


HI HEY HELLO!!! IM HERE IM ALIVE DO NOT FRET!!! I've said before that i've just been SO SO SO busy with my classes but im finally sort of caught up with most of it so im gonna take this free time to talk about some stuff!!!!

I have not been doing well, if im being honest. It's hard to talk about ADHD because a lot of the time people don't realize how much it negatively impacts you. For me at least, some days its just SO HARD to start tasks even on medication. I'm constantly telling myself that I need to have certain things done by the end of the day or else i've wasted my time. I feel like I waste my time a lot. This is the first week where I actually finished everything in a timely-ish maner thanks to the fact that one of my professors let us finish the project in class. I've been having a hard time eating too, its always been an issue but its especially bad when I get busy with school work. I've almost blacked out durring yoga a few times, so thats my sign to get my shit together O_o

Despite my struggles, there were some good things about the past couple of weeks. For one, I went to a LOT of shows. My campus is artsy as fuck so of course theres always a concert or performance somewhere. One evening I needed to get my photography homework done so I decided to go to campus to take photos and make it an exuse to go see some live music. I went to a benefit concert and then a small rock show with some friends and aquaintances. It was great. I moshed!!! and almost cracked my skull open but THATS NOT THE POINT!!!

I'll be honest, it gets really lonely when you dont dorm at school. I'm very lucky to have the ability to drive, but I sort of miss when I dormed. It was easier to get into contact with my friends. Now all of them are graduated/seniors/out of state and are super busy with life. I wish I can just shoot a text and have them come down so we can grab food. It's happened like once this semester. We went on a Target run and had some burgers afterwords. It was awesome. Augh. I have my Cyberpunk group though, which is also a lot of good fun :)

This weekend I went on a walk through this little nature trail I never knew existed where I live. Took some great photos that I edited today after my class. I went to the museum the next day as well. I saw a real FRANCIS BACON PAINTING!!! HOLY FUCK!!!!! Idk why but seeing his work specifically was surreal.

I didnt know that one Salvador DalĂ­ painting was so small.

I'm almost finished with The Suckening. To be honest, I got bored really quick because I thought there would be more spooky shit, but it wasn't as spooky. Thats not to say its bad!! Charlie is an amazing Dungeon Master. I love his NPCs here...Viv & Vex are my favorite little guys :) I think its not for me. Theres a lot of 2012/Twilight jokes that I just don't get because I wasn't into that stuff when I was like, 8yrs old...lol.

I started relistening to Blood In The Bayou. I was scared that it wasn't gonna age well hense my heasitation to revisitng but i was SO. SO. SO WRONG. I can't bring myself to get to episode 4...i just can't. It's gonna make my head explode. I wish my bayou squad were all okay. WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!! TIM!!!! KIAN!!!! ROLAN!!!!!!!! Augh...I should relisten to Judgement as a palette cleanser (ignoring episode 8 hahahahahahaha)

I think thats all for today...thanks for reading!! comment what you had for breakfast today if you made it this far...BYE BYE >:D


It's been about a month now, and well...haven't had time to do anything for this place...sorry!

I've been so busy! Been going out with friends, doing school work...if im being honest it's been stressful learning to balance everything. Most of the time i'm just procrastinating which only makes my stress worse. BUT NO MORE. This week I am starting to manage my time maybe a little bit better? My programing project isn't due til two weeks so i'm gonna take my time with that. Photography is going to be a lot of work...we have to make 20 photo collages. I had an idea to make fake screenshots that look like old dress up games, which will require me to work extra hard. I don't want to have to drive all the way to school to use photoshop since I dont own it myself, so i'll ask the professor if Gimp is okay. He's quite chill, i'm sure he'd understand.

I'm all caught up with JRWI Judgement! It's very different, super silly and lighthearted. I love every single character in this party. Joe and Paeon are my favorites I think, but I love Mel and Buck as well. Condifiction is quite a chaotic dungeon master, but it makes for some incredibly memorable moments. I have one episode left of Wonderlust to catch up on along with tomorrows episode...right now I'm finally watching THE SUCKENINGGGGG... BLAHHHHHH *slurping noises* It's the Vampire: The Masquerade campaign Charlie is dming. I watched up to half of episode 4 but never got around to finishing it. I also got too many vague spoilers which made me more unmodivated to finish it. But I gave in because of a friend, who's catching up on Prime Defenders!! I love this campaign...Charlie knocked it out of the park again with the horror.

Augh...I'd explain it all, but im honestly really not modivated to update right now. I was going to mess with the ccs again but got fustrated. So here I am. Hope everyone had a nice Valentines day, and I hope you have a good rest of your month. Until next time!


OKAY. A lot has happened. I played with css and deleted and re-did it and deleted it again, but for now we're going to just keep it simple until i have the time to practice.

I started school last Wednesday! It was an okay start i'd say. I got introduced to my teachers and met up with some friends. I'm taking a 'real' programing class this semester. We had an ice breaker and I talked about JRWI. It's an incredibly challenging class, but the professor is willing to help as much as he can. I have such a hard time learning with numbers; I need things to be labled clearly so I know what it does. Theres none of that in real programing ;_; The student government hosts parties sometimes, and saturday was a 2000's themed party! I had so much fun. The people here are much friendlier than my old school...maybe it was the drinks that made everyone so friendly. idk.

I also sold some books at the flea market on Sunday and got a tarot reading. I'm atheist, so I don't believe in anything spiritual...I have my own deck at home and only really use it as a kind of daily affirmation or modivator. But this was a free reading by someone who looks like they knew their shit. It was fun. Its cool in a psychological sense that someone can say stuff thats so vague and yet your brain will still make connections or find patterns where you never really look.

Today was the club fair. It was crowded and loud. I saw some familiar faces, but other than that I really didn't have a good time. I saw someone wearing a Generation Loss hoodie though.

I rewatched the Prime Defenders Season 2 Finale this weekend, so spoilers for that if you care. I really loved that scene with Kumori and William. It reminded of a fight I had with my Dad. I had failed my drivers test and he was furious, claiming that I just wasn't trying hard enough. I felt so defeated. I was truly doing my best, but I still fell short. William was trying his best, but it wasn't enough. Kumori argued that Will ran away constantly, hindering his full potential. The same shit that my dad said. I can see why people may think this plot thread is stupid in assuming that Will was just never trying in the first place, but you have to remember that he's forcefully been destined to be the next Whisperer, a task that was thrust onto him as a teenager. So it makes sense that he's trying to avoid that task. But that running away has put his friends, and the world, in danger. In my case, avoiding to do these scary things like learning to drive or going to school are hindering my own potential. I know I can do these things, and I think Will knows he can do these things, but the fear pauses his progress. Kinda like me. In my case, I have a disability that will sometimes put my capabilty into question...not fun. Ugh, I just love that exchange so much. I also really loved that character reveal Bizly added...won't spoil it, but it was insanely fucking cool. And the epilogue...William falling back into the grass, feeling the dirt between his finger tips..."yeah, I can work with this." JESUS CHRIST. FUCK. OH MY GODD. Fuck. And the song that played during that scene was so good. It's called Until The Day I Die by Story Of The Year.

Right now, i'm catching up on Wonderlust. I was going to take my time with it since I have so much media to get through, but I saw a spoiler that enticed me so much that I was like, "okay I need to hop on this NOW." So here we are. I'm really liking it so far. I'm a sucker for a steampunk setting. Everyone is playing a character that feels so different from what we usually expect from the boys. Troy in particular catches my eye. I kind of hate him? It's odd. I love how Charlie is able to play a character that I find annoying and tedious but still engaging enough to want to follow and learn more about. Blink is so cute. He reminds me of Vincent, my fav Prime Defenders character. Runt is my favorite of the party though, what a delightful little scrimblo!! Bizly is once again knocking it out of the park with the dm'ing. It's a tie between him and Charlie for who my favorite DM is. Bizly's strength is NPC's and character interactions, but Charlie's is world building.

Woah, I had a lot to say today. Don't expect entries this robust in content or for updates to be very frequent. I'm a college student and my education is my number one priority. I need to 'lock in' as the kids say!